Missouri State Capitol Building

About the Mural at the Missouri State Capitol Building
In 1936, Thomas Hart Benton was commissioned by Missouri to paint a mural in the Missouri State Capitol Building, representing the social history of Missouri. It took Benton just six months to complete the incredible 40-foot mural. Now, the mural remains in the Missouri State Capitol Building and is visible to anyone who walks by or schedules a tour.
Visiting Information
201 W Capitol Ave
Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 751-2854
Tour Hours
Tours must be booked at least 24 hours in advance and are available during the following times. Information about specific times may be found here: Capitol Tours.
Resources & Information
PBS: https://www.pbs.org/video/missouri-mural-jy4fzi/#:~:text=Thomas%20Hart%20Benton%20was%20commissioned,history%20resulted%20in%20some%20controversy.
State Historical Society Biography: https://historicmissourians.shsmo.org/thomas-hart-benton
Benton mural depicts Missouri’s good, bad: https://www.joplinglobe.com/news/local_news/benton-mural-depicts-missouris-good-bad/article_a21ed800-f894-11eb-b3b8-1bd9e95d715b.html
Rural Missouri: https://ruralmissouri.org/the-mural-of-missouri/
Capitol murals, including those by Thomas Hart Benton, focus of conservation efforts: https://www.joplinglobe.com/news/local_news/capitol-murals-including-those-by-thomas-hart-benton-focus-of-conservation-efforts/article_878b3c45-2134-50f7-a0de-0ad316717da3.html
Photo of the Missouri State Capitol Building: KTrimble at English Wikipedia, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons